Office Action Packages

Package 1

Simple trademark office action response such as:
Agree to the disclaimer request
Modify the identification of goods/services in the application
The acquired uniqueness is revised only on the basis of claims that have been in use for 5 years
Change/increase international courses (+ fees for any other courses)
Any other claims registered or filed by the applicant
Submit a replacement sample

Package 2

Appropriate trademark office action responses such as:
Amendments to charges (+ additional charges)
Decoration-based rejection
The reason for the refusal is that the subject seems to be the title of a single creative work
Request information on a limited study of the client's business

Package 3

Complex trademark office action response such as:
Rejection based on descriptive, general, false, false descriptive, geographical, surname, or other material objections (excluding the possibility of confusion)
Assertion of uniqueness by evidence/evidence
Request submission of arguments for disclaimer

Package 4

Likelihood confusion trademark office action response


In the United States, an Office action is a document written by an examiner in a patent or trademark examination procedure and mailed to an applicant for a patent or trademark.
Generally, we must receive your response to an office action within six months from the date it issued for the response to be considered “timely.” Some types of office actions have a shorter deadline.
To most applicants, the primary difference between “non-final” and “final” office actions is: A final office action requires paying an RCE fee in order to continue prosecuting the application before the examiner. A non-final office action doesn't.

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Monday to Friday 9:00am to 17:30pm

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